“HK Laundry Equipment is a sales organization that utilities technology solutions to increase our productivity and allow us to do our business of selling commercial laundry equipment.
HK has been using IT Help Central since 1999 when they installed our first Windows server. Rob Krupski and IT Help Central were instrumental in allowing HK to have several remote salesman be able to work independently but also give management control where all of their sales quotes resided in-house. Rob throughout the years has counselled and suggested various upgrades, back-up solutions and security firewalls to help improve and maintain our IT system. Rob’s primary objective is to provide the best technological solution to your problems while maintaining the integrity of your data and your workflow processes. Rob and his team are very responsive and work around their customers workflow so that they minimize the downtime and disruption. HK recently had to upgrade server and IT Help Central came in after hours on a Friday night and performed the extensive switchover with little disruption of the work flow operations of our company. I would highly recommend IT help Central to any of my customers, friends & clients who require an attentive, personalized IT services.”